John Grill Institute Spring Newsletter – October 2022

October 6, 2022
Welcome to the John Grill Institute for Project Leadership’s Spring Newsletter. Every quarter, we will keep you up to date with the latest news, events and research.
2022 has been a busy time as the Institute continues transitioning to its new home alongside the School of Project Management in the Faculty of Engineering. Director Professor Jennifer Whyte has been in her role for over a year and has made great strides as we seek to become the ‘go-to’ place globally for advice on how to set up and execute projects.
2022 International Symposium: Project Leadership in a Changing World
Our second International Symposium on Project Leadership in a Changing World is fast approaching. Building on last year’s discussion, the event is an opportunity to share the latest thinking on project leadership across an international research, policy and practice community. It will take place virtually over two sessions on Thursday 3rd November (9:00AM-12:00PM AEDT) and Thursday 10th November (6:30PM-9:00PM AEDT).

9th International Megaprojects ‘Theory Meets Practice’ Workshop
The John Grill Institute for Project Leadership and School of Project Management are hosting the 9th International Megaprojects ‘Theory Meets Practice’ Workshop at the University of Sydney on April Monday 3rd-Tuesday 4th April, 2023. The theme for this event is At Crossroads. This is particularly pertinent as the world faces grand challenges in the form of climate change, social inequality, polarised politics and biodiversity loss – making it difficult for infrastructure development projects to progress. We welcome you to join us to further the debate are also calling for papers related to the topic.

John Grill Institute Knowledge Bank launches
Our Knowledge Bank is now live. It showcases journal articles, reports conference papers and events that best reflect our research themes of Project Leadership, Project Models and Digital Transformation, Organisational Dynamics of Projects and Projects for Sustainable, Resilient and Just Futures. You can also find and contact experts related to each theme.

Collaboration and Contracts in Projects: Anna Kadefors
On September 27 the Faculty of Engineering and School of Project Management hosted a Distinguished Lecture Series webinar on ‘Collaboration and Contracts in Projects’ with Professor Anna Kadefors from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Professor Kadefors gave an overview of her research on how intuitive perceptions of fairness, trust and motivation may both foster and counteract collaboration in construction projects.

Professor Nuno Gil arrives on sabbatical
Professor Nuno Gil has arrived on sabbatical at the School of Project Management and John Grill Institute for Project Leadership at the University of Sydney. Mr Gil is a Professor of New Infrastructure Development at the University of Manchester’s Alliance Manchester Business School and will continue his research on the design of structures and processes to create economic and social value during his time in Australia.

Trends and Insights and Associated Reforms for NSW Infrastructure Projects: Marina van der Walt
The Institute’s Infrastructure in a Changing World talks series continued on Wednesday 24th August with the visit of Head of Assurance at Infrastructure New South Wales, Marina van der Walt – who spoke about Trends and Insights and Associated Reforms for NSW Infrastructure Projects. The NSW Government announced an infrastructure pipeline of $112.7 billion over the next four years in its 2022-23 Budget – a record investment that highlights the importance of completing projects on time and within budget, despite unprecedented challenges faced by the construction industry.

The School of Project Management is hiring
Multiple continuing (tenure-track) academic positions at the School of Project Management are currently being advertised. The School is searching for faculty members that work in any aspect of project, program, and portfolio organising, candidates whose work draws novel insights into the field of project management and project studies, and candidates taking an interdisciplinary approach to projects. If you or someone you know is interested in joining a growing team that designs and delivers world-leading teaching and research please apply via the link below or contact Professor Jennifer Whyte directly.

Upcoming Events:
- Project Leadership in a Changing World Symposium (Morning Session) – Thursday 3rd November, 2022
- Project Leadership in a Changing World Symposium (Evening Session) – Thursday 10th November, 2022
- Infrastructure Talks Series: Nuno Gil – Thursday 24th November, 2022
- Infrastructure Talks Series: Michael Bell – Thursday 23rd February, 2023
- 9th International Megaprojects Workshop – Monday 3rd April-Tuesday 4th April, 2023
Previous Events:
- Anna Kadefors: Collaboration and Contracts in Projects – Tuesday 27th April, 2022
- Marina van der Walt: Trends and Insights and Associated Reforms for NSW Infrastructure Projects – Wednesday 24th August, 2022
- Projects as Interventions in Infrastructure Systems – Tuesday 21st June, 2022
- Dale Evans: Projects as Enterprises – Project 13 – Wednesday 27th April, 2022
- Better Infrastructure Initiative Roundtable: The Balance Between Configuration Management and Project Controls – Wednesday 16th March, 2022
- Better Infrastructure Initiative Roundtable: Pre-Award Schedule Management – Wednesday 2nd March, 2022
- Whyte, J., Naderpajouh, N., Clegg, S., Matous, P., Pollack, J., & Crawford, L. (2022). Project leadership: A research agenda for a changing world. Project Leadership And Society, 3, 100044.
- Berti, M., Simpson, A., Cunha, M., & Clegg, S. (2022). Elgar introduction to organizational paradox theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Uddin, S., Ong, S., & Lu, H. (2022). Machine learning in project analytics: a data-driven framework and case study. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
- Wanigasekara, S., Ali, M., French, E., & Baker, M. (2022). Internal and external networking behaviors and employee outcomes: a test of gender moderating effect. Personnel Review.
- Whyte, J., Comi, A., & Mosca, L. (2022). Making futures that matter: Future making, online working and organizing remotely. Organization Theory, 3(1), 263178772110691.