How can we use projects to achieve a better future? We are interested in project leadership in emerging industries, questions of resilience and complexity, the role of projects as interventions and how they address uncertainty, emergence and stakeholders.
This interest includes work on net-zero and new forms of energy; and wider questions of humanitarian engineering, societal connections and environmental impact.
Our work draws on expertise across the University of Sydney, including civil and humanitarian engineering, disasters and complex systems, and internationally.

Resilience science: Theoretical and methodological directions from the juncture of resilience and projects
International Journal of Project Management | November, 2023

Modelling principal-agent dilemma for management of resilience in interdependent infrastructure systems
Reliability Engineering & System Safety | October, 2023

Cultivating crisis research in project studies: Insights from management and organisation studies by Christine Pearson
International Journal of Project Management | May, 2023

Organizational Factors Influencing the Sustainability Performance of Construction Organizations
Sustainability | August 2022

Identifying leverage points in climate change migration systems through expert mental models
Sustainability | August 2022

Decision-making factor interactions influencing climate migration: A systems-based systematic review
Sustainability | August 2022

Advancing beyond project-scale Social Impact Assessment of transport infrastructure: insights into contextual constraints on practice
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal | October, 2021

Collecting experimental network data from interventions on critical links in workplace networks
Social Networks | July, 2021