Resilience science: Theoretical and methodological directions from the juncture of resilience and projects
Increasing concerns about disruptions and the need for adaptation to drastic changes in social and ecological systems is reflected in the growing interest in resilience science. At the same time, the surge in medium to large scale projects around the world, known as projectification of societies, has resulted in considerable interest in the discipline of project studies. The disciplinary idiosyncrasies of project studies motivate a reflection on theoretical and methodological considerations in resilience science. This reflection rests on the experience of instigating research at the juncture of resilience and projects in this special collection. Specifically, we framed these observations as a set of principles that can inform resilience science, including the need for theoretical parsimony, deliberate attention to system boundaries in conceptualization of resilience, as well as critical considerations in measuring resilience. We posit that in its essence, project studies has to navigate a paradox through: (i) investigating projects as efficient form of organizing for a resilient, sustainable and just future, while (ii) unpacking the governance and accountability limitations of temporary organizing within projects that aim to ensure these long-term goals. The proposed principles are core to the broader research stream that we call “projects of future,” a collective inquiry to unpack these paradoxes and a research stream to engage project scholarship with the contemporary phenomena in Anthropocene.

Nader Naderpajouh, Juri Matinheikki, Lynn A. Keeys, Daniel P. Aldrich and Igor Linkov
International Journal of Project Management, Volume 41, Issue 8, 2023
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