We are excited to support the development of the project studies field, and the researchers at the leading edge of developments in the field. We are currently hiring in the School of Project Management at the University of Sydney.
Details of the opportunities are here:
For the International Symposium, we have invited early career researchers (ECR) to submit their research to the first John Grill Institute ECR research competition. Details of the submission process are below:
The academic committee of the event ranked the submissions and invited five top ranked submitted proposals for a short three minute presentation of their research to the international judges on the symposium day, the 10th of November 2021.
The top presentation will be awarded by the judges and all five presentations will receive feedback for their research.
To be eligible for this award you need to be either:
- Completed PhD after 10 November 2016, or
- PhD student/candidate.
One research per individual should be submitted, while group submissions are also accepted if led by early career researcher. The research should be about projects and temporary organising.
This session is a great venue for early career researchers to showcase their selected work to the international project management community through the John Grill Institute.
Previous events

2021 Symposium – Project Leadership in a Changing World
The John Grill Institute for Project Leadership hosted an international symposium with leading researchers in the field on 10 November 2021.