Modeling an on-demand meal delivery system with human couriers and autonomous vehicles in a spatial market
We reflect on AI’s implications for management and organization research. Advanced language models like ChatGPT can analyze large datasets and generate human-like text, potentially disrupting academic research and knowledge production. While potentially helpful, the technology evokes concerns about, for example, inaccuracies and accountability, inadvertent plagiarism, and confidentiality breaches. We also reflect on potential systemic consequences such as the erosion of creativity, analytical thinking, and the human voice. Overall, our stance is cautious optimism. We require full disclosure regarding AI’s role in research, and advocate for maintaining human oversight and critical engagement with AI to preserve the integrity and originality of academic work.

Anke Ye, Kenan Zhang, Michael G.H. Bell, Xiqun (Michael) Chen and Simon Hu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, June 2024,
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