Major Projects Leadership Forum – Reform Roadmap

We are pleased to launch our Major Projects Leadership Forum – Reform Roadmap at an online event on Tuesday 20 August 2024 from 4pm – 5pm. The session consisted of an introduction to the Roadmap and a panel discussion featuring: Graeme Newton (CEO of Cross River Rail Delivery Authority), Tim Parker (CEO of High Speed Rail Authority), and David Watt (General Manager – Commercial of Queensland Hydro).

On Thursday 15 February this year we held our Major Projects Leadership Forum, where we brought together a group of 50 senior governmental and industry leaders within the mega projects sector to discuss and workshop solutions to the problems prevalent in the field.

Over the last few months, we have worked on collating the ideas and thoughts shared in the Forum and have used them to develop this Reform Roadmap to plot a step-by-step action plan to address the issues within the industry.

The discourse of the Forum was organised into the three themes of: Productivity, Collaboration, and Outcomes. From these theme discussions, we were able to identify and develop the following recommendations:

Outcomes – measuring and reporting on social value

  1. Developing best practice
  2. Measuring intangibles
  3. Telling the story

Productivity – shifting the focus from productivity on site to efficiency of service provision

  1. Service delivery
  2. Pipeline
  3. Procurement

Collaboration – engendering the behaviours to increase the likelihood of success

  1. Cultural shift
  2. Leadership education
  3. Transparency and accountability

Further elaborations on these recommendations can be found in the roadmap. To implement these items, we will be organising three working groups based on each of the themes to plan out and action the steps to be taken to improve the Australian major projects landscape.

If you or your organisation are interested in signing on to the roadmap or joining these working groups, please feel free to contact us at:

Download the full roadmap here